Кодове за грешки за диагностика за EEC IV
- cossy
- потребител
- Мнения: 4564
- Регистриран: 22 яну 2005, 22:20
- Модел на автомобила: Ескорт 1.6 -> 2.0 16V
- Status: Извън линия
Кодове за грешки за диагностика за EEC IV
Fault Code Diagnostics for EEC IV
111 System checks OK
112 to 124 ATS or CTS
125 TPS
129 AFS
144 Oxygen sensor not switching Single, Right or Rear HO2S - Fuel control
157 TO 159 AFS
167 No Throttle Position sensor change in "goose" test (must get at least 25% rotation) - TPS
171 Oxygen sensor not switching - system was at adaptive limits - Single, Right or Rear HO2S - Fuel control
172 Oxygen sensor not switching - system is or was lean - Single, Right or Rear HO2S - Fuel control
173 Oxygen sensor not switching - system is or was rich - Single, Right or Rear HO2S - Fuel control
174 Oxygen sensor was slow in switching Single, Right or Rear HO2S - Fuel control
175 Oxygen sensor not switching - system was at adaptive limits - Left or Front HO2S - Fuel control
176 Oxygen sensor not switching - system is or was lean Left or Front HO2S - Fuel control
177 Oxygen sensor not switching - system was rich Left or Front HO2S - Fuel control
178 Oxygen sensor was slow in switching Left or Front HO2S - Fuel control
179 Fuel system to lean
181 Fuel system to rich
182 Fuel system was lean at idle
183 Fuel system was rich at idle
184 AFS (hot wire type)
185 AFS (hot wire type)
186 Injector pulse width longer than expected
187 Injector pulse width shorter than expected
188 Fuel system was rich at part throttle
189 Fuel system was lean at part throttle
191 Fuel system was rich at idle
192 Fuel system was lean at idle
193 Failure in Flexible Fuel (FF) sensor circuit - Fuel control
194 OS, Perform cylinder balance test to check for inoperative injectors
195 OS, Perform cylinder balance test to check for inoperative injectors
211 Ignition PIP signal was erratic or missing - Ignition Systems
212 Ignition TACHO signal was erratic (module/wiring) or SPOUT circuit fault - Ignition Systems
213 Ignition SAW circuit open or shorted - Ignition Systems
214 Error in Cylinder ID (CID) circuit or signal - Ignition Systems
215 Primary circuit failure - ignition coil 1 - Ignition Systems
216 Primary circuit failure - ignition coil 2 - Ignition Systems
217 Primary circuit failure - ignition coil 3 - Ignition Systems
218 IDM signal open or high or left coil pack failure - Ignition Systems
219 SPOUT circuit failure, timing defaulted to 10 degrees - follow code 213 diagnosis
222 Tachometer circuit
223 Dual Plug (DPI), SPOUT or IDM circuit fault - Ignition Systems
224 Failure in ignition coil primary circuit - Ignition Systems
225 Knock sensor not tested (ignore if not pinging) - KS
226 EDIS Module
227 CAS
228 EDIS Ignition Coil
229 EDIS Ignition Coil
231 EDIS Ignition Coil
232 Primary coil circuit failure - Ignition Systems
233 EDIS Module
234 to 237 Ignition Coil
238 EDIS Module
239 PIP
241 ECU
243 Coil
311 to 316 Pulse Air system faulty
326 EPT or DPFE
327 EPT or DPFE
328 EGR Valve Position (EVP) is/was low - EVR
332 EGR did not open/respond during test or if memory code, did not open intermittently - EVR or PFE
334 EVP sensor is/was high - EVR
335 EPT or DPFE
336 Exhaust pressure too high
338 CTS, Cooling system did not heat up (check cooling system / thermostat operation)
339 CTS, Cooling system overheated (check cooling system / thermostat operation)
341 Octane jumper installed (information only code to notify you if it is installed)
411 Idle speed system not controlling idle properly (generally idle too high) - ISCV
412 Idle speed system not controlling idle properly (generally idle too low) - ISCV
452 Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS) problem
511 ROM Fault, No power to PCM pin 1 or bad PCM (processor)
512 KAM Fault, Memory power (PCM pin 1) was interrupted - Was battery disconnected ?
513 EEC IV
519 PSPS switch/circuit open
521 Wheel not turned during test or PSPS problem
522 Park/Neutral Position (PNP) or Clutch Pedal Position (CPP) circuit fault - PNP
transmission MLP sensor out of range in park - Transmissions
524 Problem in low speed fuel pump circuit - Power / Fuel Pump Circuits
525 Park/Neutral Position (PNP) or Clutch Pedal Position (CPP) circuit fault - PNP
528 Clutch Switch error
529 Data Communications Link to processor failure
Service any EEC codes, erase memory and retest. If code is still present refer to instrument cluster diagnosis manual.
533 Data Communications Link to instrument cluster failure - see 529
536 Brake On Off open or shorted to ground - BOO
538 System did not receive "goose" test - TESTS
539 Air Conditioning
542 Fuel pump open, bad ground or always on - - Power / Fuel Pump Circuits
543 Fuel pump monitor circuit shows no power - Power / Fuel Pump Circuits
(M) (Service 556 code first if present) Fuel pump relay or battery power feed was open - Power / Fuel Pump Circuits
551 ISCV Circuit
552 Pulse air circuit
553 AIRD solenoid/circuit failure - Solenoids
554 Fuel Press Regulator Control solenoid/circuit fault - Power / Fuel Pump Circuits
556 Fuel pump relay primary circuit fault - Power / Fuel Pump Circuits
557 Low speed pump relay primary circuit fault - Power / Fuel Pump Circuits
558 EVR or PFE or Solenoids
559 A/C relay primary circuit fault - A/C and Fan Circuits
563 High Fan Control (HFC) circuit failure - A/C and Fan Circuits
564 Fan Control (FC) circuit failure - A/C and Fan Circuits
565 Canister Purge 1 solenoid/circuit failure - Solenoids
566 Transmission 3/4 shift solenoid/circuit - Transmissions
569 Canister Purge 2 solenoid/circuit failure - Solenoids
573 Electric fan drive relay/circuit
574 High speed electronic fan drive system
575 Fuel pump circuit/inertia switch fault
576 Kick down switch
577 Kick down switch
578 A/C pressure sensor VREF short to ground - A/C and Fan Circuits
579 ACP sensor did not change with A/C on - A/C and Fan Circuits
581 Cooling fan current was excessive - A/C and Fan Circuits
582 Open cooling fan circuit - A/C and Fan Circuits
583 Fuel pump current was excessive - Power / Fuel Pump Circuits
584 Open power ground circuit - Power / Fuel Pump Circuits
585 A/C clutch current was excessive - A/C and Fan Circuits
586 Open circuit in A/C clutch - A/C and Fan Circuits
587 Communication problem between PCM and Variable Control Relay Module (VCRM) - Power / Fuel Pump Circuits
617 Transmission shift failure (1/2 shift) - Transmissions
618 Transmission shift failure (2/3 shift) - Transmissions
619 Transmission shift failure (3/4 shift) - Transmissions
621 Solenoid/circuit failure - shift solenoid 1 - Transmissions
622 Solenoid/circuit failure - shift solenoid 2 - Transmissions
624 Solenoid/circuit failure -Electronic Pressure Control (EPC) current is high - Transmissions
625 Solenoid/circuit failure - Electronic Pressure Control (EPC) current is low - Transmissions
626 Transmission Coast Clutch (CCS) Solenoid/circuit fault - Transmissions
627 Torque Converter Clutch circuit fault - Transmissions
628 Excessive converter clutch slippage - Transmissions
629 Torque Converter Clutch circuit fault - Transmissions
631 Overdrive Cancel Light circuit problem - Transmissions
632 Transmission Control Switch (TCS) should be cycled once between engine ID and Goose test
633 4x4 switch should be in 4x2 or 4x4 high for the test
634 Park/Neutral Position (PNP) or Clutch Pedal Position (CPP) circuit fault
Electronic shift transmission - Manual Lever Position (MLP) sensor out of range in PARK - Transmissions
636 Transmission Oil Temperature (TOT) sensor out of range - Transmissions
637 TOT sensor is/was high or open - Transmissions
638 TOT sensor is/was low or grounded - Transmissions
639 Transmission Speed sensor (TSS) circuit fault - Transmissions
641 Transmission solenoid/circuit failure Shift Solenoid 3 - Transmissions
643 Torque Converter Clutch (TCC) circuit - Transmissions
645 Transmission 1st gear failure - Transmissions
646 Transmission 2nd gear failure - Transmissions
647 Transmission 3rd gear failure - Transmissions
648 Transmission 4th gear failure - Transmissions
649 ETV failure
651 ETV fault
652 MLUS failure
654 Transmission selector not in PARK - Transmissions
656 Torque Converter Clutch (TCC) slip - Transmissions
657 Transmission temperature was excessive - Transmissions
10. Command Code
11. No Faults
13. CTS (Make CTS tests)
14. ATS (Make ATS tests)
15. TPS (Make TPS tests)
16. AFS number 2
17. MAP sensor (Make MAP sensor tests)
18. Low Battery Volts
19. KAM Fault
20. Separator Code
21. Ignition
22. AFS Number 1 (voltage to high)
23. CTS (voltage too high)
24. ATS
25. TPS (voltage too high)
26. AFS Number 2 (voltage too high)
27. MAP Sensor (value too high)
28. Oxygen Sensor
28. Oxygen sensor Number 1 (2.0 litre DOHC only) (lean mixture or failed sensor)
29. Oxygen Sensor Number 2 (2.0 litre DOHC only) (lean mixture or failed sensor)
30. Marker Code
31 ECM ROM/RAM Failure
32. AFS Number 2 (voltage to low)
33. CTS (voltage to low)
34. ATS
35.TPS (voltage to low)
36 AFS Number 2 (voltage to low)
37. MAP Sensor (value to low)
38. Oxygen sensor Number 1 (2.0 litre DOHC only) (rich mixture or failed sensor)
39. Oxygen Sensor Number 2 (2.0 litre DOHC only) (rich mixture or failed sensor)
42. MAP Sensor (no change in sensor output during SD test)
43. TPS (No response to blip test during SD test)
44. "Blip" test not performed or late response
45. VSS
46. ISCV failure (Max RPM not achieved)
47. ISCV failure (Min RPM not achieved)
48. ISCV
50. European ECM fitted
51. Air Conditioning "on"
52. Auto Transmission in Drive
53. Octane adjust wire number 1 earthed out
54. Octane adjust wire number 2 earthed out
55. Idle speed adjust wire earthed out
57. Throttle moved during SD test. (repeat SD test)
59. CO pot
60.Start of Service-set mode
61. Loss of power - cylinder 1 (Check spark plug and compression)
62. Loss of power - cylinder 2 (Check spark plug and compression)
63. Loss of power - cylinder 3 (Check spark plug and compression)
64. Loss of power - cylinder 4 (Check spark plug and compression)
65. Brake on/off switch
66. Kickdown switch
67. FTS
68. Boost pressure control valve
69. Boost pressure control valve
70. End of service-set mode
72. WCS (1.6 CVH EFi Turbo only)
73. CFSV
74. 3/4 shift solonoid
75. Clutch convertor lock-up solonoid
76. Brake "on" indicated
77. Kickdown indicated
78. PSPS
91. Oxygen Sensor Connections (Connections interchanged, 2.0 DOHC 16-Valve engine)
ACT - Air Charge Temperature Sensor
AFS - Air Flow Sensor
BP - See MAP
CFSV - Carbon Filter Solonoid Valve
EEC - Electronic Engine Control System
ECT - Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor
EGR - Exhaust Gas Recirculation Valve (Pulse Air)
EVP - EGR Valve Position Sensor
EVR - Electronic Vacuum Regulator
HEGO - Heated Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor (lambda)
IDM - Ignition Diagnostics Monitor signal
KOEO -Key On Engine Off
KOER -Key On Engine Running
MAF - Mass Air Flow Sensor
MAP - Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor
MLP - Manual Lever Position
PCM - Powertrain Control Module
PIP - Profile Ignition Pick-up
PSPS - Power Steering Pressure Switch
SD - Self Diagnostic test
SAW - Spark Advance Word
SPOUT - Distributor Jumper to Allow Initial Timing
TPS - Throttle Position Sensor
WCS - Wastegate ~Control Solenoid
Fault Code Diagnostics for Air Bags
CAUTION / WARNING - Airbags are extremely dangerous if not properly respected. For this reason any fault with the system should be corrected by a qualified auto-electrician. Even simple probing of the airbag connectors with a voltmeter can cause airbag deployment.
The airbag warning light should come on with the ignition and remain lit for 5 seconds. After this period it should go out and not illuminate again until next time the ignition is turned on. If the light fails to come on then check the fuse for the system and then the bulb in the instrument cluster. If a problem is detected with the system then it will be indicated by a number of flashes. If more the one code is detected the system will assign priority and display the most important first.
Drivers airbag failure
Passengers airbag failure
Failure of both airbag units
Pyrotechnic seatbelt pre - tensioner failure (Either side)
Drivers airbag failure - System shorted
Passengers airbag failure - System shorted
Drivers crash sensor failure
Passengers crash sensor failure
111 System checks OK
112 to 124 ATS or CTS
125 TPS
129 AFS
144 Oxygen sensor not switching Single, Right or Rear HO2S - Fuel control
157 TO 159 AFS
167 No Throttle Position sensor change in "goose" test (must get at least 25% rotation) - TPS
171 Oxygen sensor not switching - system was at adaptive limits - Single, Right or Rear HO2S - Fuel control
172 Oxygen sensor not switching - system is or was lean - Single, Right or Rear HO2S - Fuel control
173 Oxygen sensor not switching - system is or was rich - Single, Right or Rear HO2S - Fuel control
174 Oxygen sensor was slow in switching Single, Right or Rear HO2S - Fuel control
175 Oxygen sensor not switching - system was at adaptive limits - Left or Front HO2S - Fuel control
176 Oxygen sensor not switching - system is or was lean Left or Front HO2S - Fuel control
177 Oxygen sensor not switching - system was rich Left or Front HO2S - Fuel control
178 Oxygen sensor was slow in switching Left or Front HO2S - Fuel control
179 Fuel system to lean
181 Fuel system to rich
182 Fuel system was lean at idle
183 Fuel system was rich at idle
184 AFS (hot wire type)
185 AFS (hot wire type)
186 Injector pulse width longer than expected
187 Injector pulse width shorter than expected
188 Fuel system was rich at part throttle
189 Fuel system was lean at part throttle
191 Fuel system was rich at idle
192 Fuel system was lean at idle
193 Failure in Flexible Fuel (FF) sensor circuit - Fuel control
194 OS, Perform cylinder balance test to check for inoperative injectors
195 OS, Perform cylinder balance test to check for inoperative injectors
211 Ignition PIP signal was erratic or missing - Ignition Systems
212 Ignition TACHO signal was erratic (module/wiring) or SPOUT circuit fault - Ignition Systems
213 Ignition SAW circuit open or shorted - Ignition Systems
214 Error in Cylinder ID (CID) circuit or signal - Ignition Systems
215 Primary circuit failure - ignition coil 1 - Ignition Systems
216 Primary circuit failure - ignition coil 2 - Ignition Systems
217 Primary circuit failure - ignition coil 3 - Ignition Systems
218 IDM signal open or high or left coil pack failure - Ignition Systems
219 SPOUT circuit failure, timing defaulted to 10 degrees - follow code 213 diagnosis
222 Tachometer circuit
223 Dual Plug (DPI), SPOUT or IDM circuit fault - Ignition Systems
224 Failure in ignition coil primary circuit - Ignition Systems
225 Knock sensor not tested (ignore if not pinging) - KS
226 EDIS Module
227 CAS
228 EDIS Ignition Coil
229 EDIS Ignition Coil
231 EDIS Ignition Coil
232 Primary coil circuit failure - Ignition Systems
233 EDIS Module
234 to 237 Ignition Coil
238 EDIS Module
239 PIP
241 ECU
243 Coil
311 to 316 Pulse Air system faulty
326 EPT or DPFE
327 EPT or DPFE
328 EGR Valve Position (EVP) is/was low - EVR
332 EGR did not open/respond during test or if memory code, did not open intermittently - EVR or PFE
334 EVP sensor is/was high - EVR
335 EPT or DPFE
336 Exhaust pressure too high
338 CTS, Cooling system did not heat up (check cooling system / thermostat operation)
339 CTS, Cooling system overheated (check cooling system / thermostat operation)
341 Octane jumper installed (information only code to notify you if it is installed)
411 Idle speed system not controlling idle properly (generally idle too high) - ISCV
412 Idle speed system not controlling idle properly (generally idle too low) - ISCV
452 Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS) problem
511 ROM Fault, No power to PCM pin 1 or bad PCM (processor)
512 KAM Fault, Memory power (PCM pin 1) was interrupted - Was battery disconnected ?
513 EEC IV
519 PSPS switch/circuit open
521 Wheel not turned during test or PSPS problem
522 Park/Neutral Position (PNP) or Clutch Pedal Position (CPP) circuit fault - PNP
transmission MLP sensor out of range in park - Transmissions
524 Problem in low speed fuel pump circuit - Power / Fuel Pump Circuits
525 Park/Neutral Position (PNP) or Clutch Pedal Position (CPP) circuit fault - PNP
528 Clutch Switch error
529 Data Communications Link to processor failure
Service any EEC codes, erase memory and retest. If code is still present refer to instrument cluster diagnosis manual.
533 Data Communications Link to instrument cluster failure - see 529
536 Brake On Off open or shorted to ground - BOO
538 System did not receive "goose" test - TESTS
539 Air Conditioning
542 Fuel pump open, bad ground or always on - - Power / Fuel Pump Circuits
543 Fuel pump monitor circuit shows no power - Power / Fuel Pump Circuits
(M) (Service 556 code first if present) Fuel pump relay or battery power feed was open - Power / Fuel Pump Circuits
551 ISCV Circuit
552 Pulse air circuit
553 AIRD solenoid/circuit failure - Solenoids
554 Fuel Press Regulator Control solenoid/circuit fault - Power / Fuel Pump Circuits
556 Fuel pump relay primary circuit fault - Power / Fuel Pump Circuits
557 Low speed pump relay primary circuit fault - Power / Fuel Pump Circuits
558 EVR or PFE or Solenoids
559 A/C relay primary circuit fault - A/C and Fan Circuits
563 High Fan Control (HFC) circuit failure - A/C and Fan Circuits
564 Fan Control (FC) circuit failure - A/C and Fan Circuits
565 Canister Purge 1 solenoid/circuit failure - Solenoids
566 Transmission 3/4 shift solenoid/circuit - Transmissions
569 Canister Purge 2 solenoid/circuit failure - Solenoids
573 Electric fan drive relay/circuit
574 High speed electronic fan drive system
575 Fuel pump circuit/inertia switch fault
576 Kick down switch
577 Kick down switch
578 A/C pressure sensor VREF short to ground - A/C and Fan Circuits
579 ACP sensor did not change with A/C on - A/C and Fan Circuits
581 Cooling fan current was excessive - A/C and Fan Circuits
582 Open cooling fan circuit - A/C and Fan Circuits
583 Fuel pump current was excessive - Power / Fuel Pump Circuits
584 Open power ground circuit - Power / Fuel Pump Circuits
585 A/C clutch current was excessive - A/C and Fan Circuits
586 Open circuit in A/C clutch - A/C and Fan Circuits
587 Communication problem between PCM and Variable Control Relay Module (VCRM) - Power / Fuel Pump Circuits
617 Transmission shift failure (1/2 shift) - Transmissions
618 Transmission shift failure (2/3 shift) - Transmissions
619 Transmission shift failure (3/4 shift) - Transmissions
621 Solenoid/circuit failure - shift solenoid 1 - Transmissions
622 Solenoid/circuit failure - shift solenoid 2 - Transmissions
624 Solenoid/circuit failure -Electronic Pressure Control (EPC) current is high - Transmissions
625 Solenoid/circuit failure - Electronic Pressure Control (EPC) current is low - Transmissions
626 Transmission Coast Clutch (CCS) Solenoid/circuit fault - Transmissions
627 Torque Converter Clutch circuit fault - Transmissions
628 Excessive converter clutch slippage - Transmissions
629 Torque Converter Clutch circuit fault - Transmissions
631 Overdrive Cancel Light circuit problem - Transmissions
632 Transmission Control Switch (TCS) should be cycled once between engine ID and Goose test
633 4x4 switch should be in 4x2 or 4x4 high for the test
634 Park/Neutral Position (PNP) or Clutch Pedal Position (CPP) circuit fault
Electronic shift transmission - Manual Lever Position (MLP) sensor out of range in PARK - Transmissions
636 Transmission Oil Temperature (TOT) sensor out of range - Transmissions
637 TOT sensor is/was high or open - Transmissions
638 TOT sensor is/was low or grounded - Transmissions
639 Transmission Speed sensor (TSS) circuit fault - Transmissions
641 Transmission solenoid/circuit failure Shift Solenoid 3 - Transmissions
643 Torque Converter Clutch (TCC) circuit - Transmissions
645 Transmission 1st gear failure - Transmissions
646 Transmission 2nd gear failure - Transmissions
647 Transmission 3rd gear failure - Transmissions
648 Transmission 4th gear failure - Transmissions
649 ETV failure
651 ETV fault
652 MLUS failure
654 Transmission selector not in PARK - Transmissions
656 Torque Converter Clutch (TCC) slip - Transmissions
657 Transmission temperature was excessive - Transmissions
10. Command Code
11. No Faults
13. CTS (Make CTS tests)
14. ATS (Make ATS tests)
15. TPS (Make TPS tests)
16. AFS number 2
17. MAP sensor (Make MAP sensor tests)
18. Low Battery Volts
19. KAM Fault
20. Separator Code
21. Ignition
22. AFS Number 1 (voltage to high)
23. CTS (voltage too high)
24. ATS
25. TPS (voltage too high)
26. AFS Number 2 (voltage too high)
27. MAP Sensor (value too high)
28. Oxygen Sensor
28. Oxygen sensor Number 1 (2.0 litre DOHC only) (lean mixture or failed sensor)
29. Oxygen Sensor Number 2 (2.0 litre DOHC only) (lean mixture or failed sensor)
30. Marker Code
31 ECM ROM/RAM Failure
32. AFS Number 2 (voltage to low)
33. CTS (voltage to low)
34. ATS
35.TPS (voltage to low)
36 AFS Number 2 (voltage to low)
37. MAP Sensor (value to low)
38. Oxygen sensor Number 1 (2.0 litre DOHC only) (rich mixture or failed sensor)
39. Oxygen Sensor Number 2 (2.0 litre DOHC only) (rich mixture or failed sensor)
42. MAP Sensor (no change in sensor output during SD test)
43. TPS (No response to blip test during SD test)
44. "Blip" test not performed or late response
45. VSS
46. ISCV failure (Max RPM not achieved)
47. ISCV failure (Min RPM not achieved)
48. ISCV
50. European ECM fitted
51. Air Conditioning "on"
52. Auto Transmission in Drive
53. Octane adjust wire number 1 earthed out
54. Octane adjust wire number 2 earthed out
55. Idle speed adjust wire earthed out
57. Throttle moved during SD test. (repeat SD test)
59. CO pot
60.Start of Service-set mode
61. Loss of power - cylinder 1 (Check spark plug and compression)
62. Loss of power - cylinder 2 (Check spark plug and compression)
63. Loss of power - cylinder 3 (Check spark plug and compression)
64. Loss of power - cylinder 4 (Check spark plug and compression)
65. Brake on/off switch
66. Kickdown switch
67. FTS
68. Boost pressure control valve
69. Boost pressure control valve
70. End of service-set mode
72. WCS (1.6 CVH EFi Turbo only)
73. CFSV
74. 3/4 shift solonoid
75. Clutch convertor lock-up solonoid
76. Brake "on" indicated
77. Kickdown indicated
78. PSPS
91. Oxygen Sensor Connections (Connections interchanged, 2.0 DOHC 16-Valve engine)
ACT - Air Charge Temperature Sensor
AFS - Air Flow Sensor
BP - See MAP
CFSV - Carbon Filter Solonoid Valve
EEC - Electronic Engine Control System
ECT - Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor
EGR - Exhaust Gas Recirculation Valve (Pulse Air)
EVP - EGR Valve Position Sensor
EVR - Electronic Vacuum Regulator
HEGO - Heated Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor (lambda)
IDM - Ignition Diagnostics Monitor signal
KOEO -Key On Engine Off
KOER -Key On Engine Running
MAF - Mass Air Flow Sensor
MAP - Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor
MLP - Manual Lever Position
PCM - Powertrain Control Module
PIP - Profile Ignition Pick-up
PSPS - Power Steering Pressure Switch
SD - Self Diagnostic test
SAW - Spark Advance Word
SPOUT - Distributor Jumper to Allow Initial Timing
TPS - Throttle Position Sensor
WCS - Wastegate ~Control Solenoid
Fault Code Diagnostics for Air Bags
CAUTION / WARNING - Airbags are extremely dangerous if not properly respected. For this reason any fault with the system should be corrected by a qualified auto-electrician. Even simple probing of the airbag connectors with a voltmeter can cause airbag deployment.
The airbag warning light should come on with the ignition and remain lit for 5 seconds. After this period it should go out and not illuminate again until next time the ignition is turned on. If the light fails to come on then check the fuse for the system and then the bulb in the instrument cluster. If a problem is detected with the system then it will be indicated by a number of flashes. If more the one code is detected the system will assign priority and display the most important first.
Drivers airbag failure
Passengers airbag failure
Failure of both airbag units
Pyrotechnic seatbelt pre - tensioner failure (Either side)
Drivers airbag failure - System shorted
Passengers airbag failure - System shorted
Drivers crash sensor failure
Passengers crash sensor failure

- потребител
- Мнения: 9
- Регистриран: 10 май 2008, 18:43
- Модел на автомобила: Ford Escort Mk6, 1.6 16v, 1996 г.
- Status: Извън линия
Re: Кодове за грешки за диагностика за EEC IV
Благодаря за кодовете. Някакви идеи как се четат трицифрените кодове? Досега това, което срещнах в литературата е тестер на Форд (STAR) или в този сайт: http://www.graynada.co.uk/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; (няма потвърждение дали работи и при Zetec-двигатели). Със светодиод или аналогов волтметър кодовете не могат да се извличат, OBD II не се поддържа, изглежда "усъвършенстваната" версия на EEC IV не е насочена към диагностика в домашни условия. 

- cossy
- потребител
- Мнения: 4564
- Регистриран: 22 яну 2005, 22:20
- Модел на автомобила: Ескорт 1.6 -> 2.0 16V
- Status: Извън линия
Re: Кодове за грешки за диагностика за EEC IV
Привет, ако си добре с английския посети този линк:
http://homepage.ntlworld.com/paulgrs.greenbank/FCR.htm" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
A тук дори можеш да си купиш готов => http://www.tool-mania.co.uk/fault-code- ... 28027.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Начин на експлоатация и отново грешките => http://www.tooled-up.com/artwork/ProdPD ... 080ins.pdf" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
И един страшно полезен сайт за всико свързано с електрониката на Фордчетата ни
http://fordfuelinjection.com/?p=1" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
http://homepage.ntlworld.com/paulgrs.greenbank/FCR.htm" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
A тук дори можеш да си купиш готов => http://www.tool-mania.co.uk/fault-code- ... 28027.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Начин на експлоатация и отново грешките => http://www.tooled-up.com/artwork/ProdPD ... 080ins.pdf" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
И един страшно полезен сайт за всико свързано с електрониката на Фордчетата ни

http://fordfuelinjection.com/?p=1" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

- потребител
- Мнения: 9
- Регистриран: 10 май 2008, 18:43
- Модел на автомобила: Ford Escort Mk6, 1.6 16v, 1996 г.
- Status: Извън линия
Re: Кодове за грешки за диагностика за EEC IV
Благодаря много за препратките!
Моят Ескорт е от 1996г., с двигател Zetec 1.6, модификация L1E с Data Link Connector в купето. Мисля да си направя кодочетец като предложения в първата препратка, но гледам, че това е за RS2000 Mk6 и чете двуцифрени кодове. Дали ще чете трицифрени, опита ще покаже.
Кодочетец на Draper бях гледал и преди, но пише за двигатели Zeta 1.6-2.0 до 1995г.
Ако някой има по-пресен опит, нека да сподели.

Моят Ескорт е от 1996г., с двигател Zetec 1.6, модификация L1E с Data Link Connector в купето. Мисля да си направя кодочетец като предложения в първата препратка, но гледам, че това е за RS2000 Mk6 и чете двуцифрени кодове. Дали ще чете трицифрени, опита ще покаже.
Кодочетец на Draper бях гледал и преди, но пише за двигатели Zeta 1.6-2.0 до 1995г.

Ако някой има по-пресен опит, нека да сподели.

- licho
- потребител
- Мнения: 505
- Регистриран: 17 юли 2005, 13:19
- Модел на автомобила: Форд Фиеста 1.1 mi, 1992, Черна лимунзина с три врати
Фиат Браво 1.2 1999, Черна лимунзина с три врати - Status: Извън линия
Re: Кодове за грешки за диагностика за EEC IV
тук има доста информация за самодиагностика
смисъла на четене на грешки е да се насочи ремонтиращия към проблема.
например ако ти даде не ти работи термостата, причината може да е от другаде и да дава такава грешка
тук има доста информация за самодиагностика
смисъла на четене на грешки е да се насочи ремонтиращия към проблема.
например ако ти даде не ти работи термостата, причината може да е от другаде и да дава такава грешка

- потребител
- Мнения: 425
- Регистриран: 23 мар 2007, 15:53
- Модел на автомобила: Escort '92 1.8 16V 105hp
- Местоположение: Varna
- Status: Извън линия
Re: Кодове за грешки за диагностика за EEC IV
с риск да повторя прилагам още един списък със грешките, с малко по подробни оняснения...помогна да отткрия каква е тази 552
EEC-IV code
Test Type
System Pass
Nothing is wrong with the electronic system. If there is a problem, chances
are it's mechanical.
System cannot raise engine speed
Check the IAC valve. It may be stuck or sticking.
Idle RPM out of specification
Idle is either too low or too high.
Intermittent loss of PIP signal
PIP or ignition module may be malfunctioning.
Failure in ECA assembly
There is a problem with the Keep Alive Memory. Basically, you need a new
16 or 17
RPM too low to run EGO test
The RPM is low causing the EGO sensor to sense rich. It can also be caused
by an adjustable fuel pressure regulator set too high. If this is the case,
reduce fuel pressure.
Loss of TACH signal to ECA
Check the SPOUT connector.
Failure in ECA assembly
There is a problem with the internal voltage regulator. Basically, you need
a new ECA.
ECT sensor out of range
Engine coolant wasn't brought up to normal operating temperature or ECT
sensor is bad.
MAP or BP sensor out of range
MAP or BP sensor is bad.
MAP or BP sensor out of range
MAP/BP sensor is bad, or there is a vacuum leak.
TP sensor out of range
TPS is either missadjusted or bad.
ACT or VAT sensor out of range
ACT or VAT sensor is bad, or really dirty.
MAF or VAF sensor out of range
MAF/VAF sensor is bad, really dirty, or not calibrated correctly (MAF).
VSS signal voltage is too low
VSS is bad.
VAT sensor out of range
VAT sensor is bad, or really dirty.
VSS signal voltage is too low
VSS is bad.
31 or 32
EVP sensor out of range
EGR is sticking or EVP is bad.
EVP sensor indicates EGR is not opening properly
EGR is bad, EVP is bad, and/or there is a vacuum leak.
34 or 35
EVP sensor out of range
EGR is sticking or EVP is bad.
Right EGO failure
EGO is bad, not connected, or missing.
EGO indicates right bank lean
EGO is going bad, missing, or fuel pressure regulator is set too low.
EGO indicates right bank rich
EGO is going bad, fuel pressure regulator is set too high, or exhaust leak.
Right Thermactor Air System problem
Right Thermactor Air Control system switch is bad.
Thermactor air flow is always upstream
Related Thermactor switch is bad or vacuum leak in related vacuum lines.
Thermactor Air System unable to bypass air
Related Thermactor switch is bad or there is a vacuum leak in the line going
to the valve closest from the smog pumps air output.
ECT sensor out of range
ECT sensor is bad.
TP sensor out of range
TP sensor is stuck/sticking or just plain bad. It would be a good idea to
get a replacement.
ACT sensor out of range
ACT sensor is really dirty or bad.
MAF sensor out of range
MAF sensor is bad, really dirty, or not calibrated correctly. This code can
also come up with a blow-through forced induction system (like Prochargers).
Pro-M mass-airs will work with blow-though systems.
ECT sensor is out of range
ECT sensor is bad or wire is grounded.
TP sensor out of range
TP sensor is bad.
ACT sensor out of range (signal voltage too low)
ACT sensor is bad or wiring is grounded.
MAF sensor out of range (signal voltage too low)
MAF sensor is bad or not calibrated correctly.
NDS circuit open
NDS is bad or wires are bad.
BOO switch not detected
Brake was not depressed when suppose to or BOO is bad.
BOO switch always closed circuit
BOO is stuck/sticking or is bad.
Operator error
Operator didn't execute WOT when told to during self test.
A/C on during self test.
Turn A/C off for self test.
TAD circuit failure
TAD is bad or circuit is bad.
TAB circuit failure
TAB is bad or circuit is bad.
EGR vacuum solenoid circuit failure
EGR vacuum solenoid is bad or circuit is bad.
CANP solenoid circuit failure
CANP solenoid is bad or circuit is bad.
Fuel pump relay circuit failure
Bad fuel pump relay or FP circuit is bad.
EGO indicates left bank lean
EGO is going bad, fuel pressure regulator is set too low, or bad left bank
EGO indicates right bank lean
EGO is going bad, fuel pressure regulator is set too low, or bad right bank
Thermactor Air System problem on right bank
Air passages for Thermactor Air System on the right side is clogged or right
EGO is going bad.
FPM signal indicates circuit failure
FPM senses fuel pump voltage is out of range.
Fuel pump secondary circuit failure
FP secondary circuit is bad or fuel pump relay is bad.
ECA system problem; operating in FMEM
This is the dreaded "limp-mode". Extensive problems are what normally trip
this code. Additional codes will be present with this code.
Air Charge Temperature sensor
Brake On/Off switch
Barometric Pressure sensor
CANister Purge solenoid
Engine Control Assembly - also known as an ECM (Engine Control Management)
Engine Coolant Temperature sensor
Electronic Engine Control system, version 4
Exhaust Gas Oxygen sensor - also known as an O2 sensor
Exhaust Gas Recirculation
EGR Valve Position sensor
Failure Management and Effects Mode
Fuel Pump relay
Fuel Pump Monitor
Idle Air Control
Mass Air Flow sensor
Manifold Air Pressure sensor
Neutral Drive Switch - also known as a Neutral Safety Switch
Profile Ignition Pick-up
SPark OUTput
Thermactor Air Bypass solenoid
Thermactor Air Diverter solenoid
Throttle Position sensor - also known as TPS
Vain Air Flow sensor
Vehicle Speed Sensor
1994 PCED OBD I A SECTION 3A: EEC-IV Engine Supplement—Car
3-Digit EEC-IV Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Definitions — Passenger Car
111 System Pass
112 Intake Air Temp (IAT) sensor circuit below minimum voltage/ 254°F indicated
113 Intake Air Temp (IAT) sensor circuit above maximum voltage/ -40°F indicated
114 Intake Air Temp (IAT) higher or lower than expected
116 Engine Coolant Temp (ECT) higher or lower than expected
117 Engine Coolant Temp (ECT) sensor circuit below minimum voltage/ 254°F indicated
118 Engine Coolant Temp (ECT) sensor circuit above maximum voltage/ -40°F indicated
121 Closed throttle voltage higher or lower than expected
121 Indicates throttle position voltage inconsistent with the MAF sensor
122 Throttle Position (TP) sensor circuit below minimum voltage
123 Throttle Position (TP) sensor circuit above maximum voltage
124 Throttle Position (TP) sensor voltage higher than expected
125 Throttle Position (TP) sensor voltage lower than expected
126 MAP/BARO sensor higher or lower than expected
128 MAP sensor vacuum hose damaged/disconnected
129 Insufficient MAP/Mass Air Flow (MAF) change during dynamic response test KOER
136 Lack of Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S-2) switch during KOER, indicates lean (Bank #2)
137 Lack of Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S-2) switch during KOER, indicates rich (Bank #2)
139 No Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S-2) switches detected (Bank #2)
141 Fuel system indicates lean
144 No Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S-1) switches detected (Bank #1)
157 Mass Air Flow (MAF) sensor circuit below minimum voltage
158 Mass Air Flow (MAF) sensor circuit above maximum voltage
159 Mass Air Flow (MAF) higher or lower than expected
167 Insufficient throttle position change during dynamic response test KOER
171 Fuel system at adaptive limits, Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S-1) unable to switch (Bank #1)
172 Lack of Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S-1) switches, indicates lean (Bank #1)
173 Lack of Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S-1) switches, indicates rich (Bank #1)
175 Fuel system at adaptive limits, Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S-2) unable to switch (Bank #2)
176 Lack of Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S-2) switches, indicates lean (Bank #2)
177 Lack of Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S-2) switches, indicates rich (Bank #2)
179 Fuel system at lean adaptive limit at part throttle, system rich (Bank #1)
181 Fuel system at rich adaptive limit at part throttle, system lean (Bank #1)
184 Mass Air Flow (MAF) higher than expected
185 Mass Air Flow (MAF) lower than expected
186 Injector pulsewidth higher than expected (with BARO sensor)
186 Injector pulsewidth higher or MAF lower than expected (without BARO sensor)
187 Injector pulsewidth lower than expected (with BARO sensor)
187 Injector pulsewidth lower or MAF higher than expected (without BARO sensor)
188 Fuel system at lean adaptive limit at part throttle, system rich (Bank #2)
189 Fuel system at rich adaptive limit at part throttle, system lean (Bank #2)
193 Flexible Fuel (FF) sensor circuit failure
211 Profile Ignition Pickup (PIP) circuit failure
212 Loss of Ignition Diagnostic Monitor (IDM) input to PCM/SPOUT circuit grounded
213 SPOUT circuit open
214 Cylinder Identification (CID) circuit failure
215 PCM detected coil 1 primary circuit failure (EI)
216 PCM detected coil 2 primary circuit failure (EI)
217 PCM detected coil 3 primary circuit failure (EI)
218 Loss of Ignition Diagnostic Monitor (IDM) signal-left side (dual plug EI)
219 Spark timing defaulted to 10 degrees-SPOUT circuit open (EI)
221 Spark timing error (EI)
222 Loss of Ignition Diagnostic Monitor (IDM) signal-right side (dual plug EI)
223 Loss of Dual Plug Inhibit (DPI) control (dual plug EI)
224 PCM detected coil 1, 2, 3 or 4 primary circuit failure (dual plug EI)
225 Knock not sensed during dynamic response test KOER
226 Ignition Diagnostic Module (IDM) signal not received (EI)
232 PCM detected coil 1, 2, 3 or 4 primary circuit failure (EI)
238 PCM detected coil 4 primary circuit failure (EI)
241 ICM to PCM IDM pulsewidth transmission error (EI)
244 CID circuit fault present when cylinder balance test requested
311 AIR system inoperative during KOER (Bank #1 w/dual HO2S)
312 AIR misdirected during KOER
313 AIR not bypassed during KOER
314 AIR system inoperative during KOER (Bank #2 w/dual HO2S)
326 EGR (PFE/DPFE) circuit voltage lower than expected
327 EGR (EGRP/EVP/PFE/DPFE) circuit below minimum voltage
328 EGR (EVP) closed valve voltage lower than expected
332 Insufficient EGR flow detected (EGRP/EVP/PFE/DPFE)
334 EGR (EVP) closed valve voltage higher than expected
335 EGR (PFE/DPFE) sensor voltage higher or lower than expected during KOEO
336 Exhaust pressure high/EGR (PFE/DPFE) circuit voltage higher than expected
337 EGR (EGRP/EVP/PFE/DPFE) circuit above maximum voltage
338 Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) lower than expected (thermostat test)
339 Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) higher than expected (thermostat test)
341 Octane adjust service pin open
381 Frequent A/C clutch cycling
411 Cannot control RPM during KOER low RPM check
412 Cannot control RPM during KOER high RPM check
415 Idle Air Control (IAC) system at maximum adaptive lower limit
416 Idle Air Control (IAC) system at upper adaptive learning limit
452 Insufficient input from Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS) to PCM
453 Servo leaking down (KOER IVSC test)
454 Servo leaking up (KOER IVSC test)
455 Insufficient RPM increase (KOER IVSC test)
456 Insufficient RPM decrease (KOER IVSC test)
457 Speed control command switch(s) circuit not functioning (KOEO IVSC test)
458 Speed control command switch(s) stuck/circuit grounded (KOEO IVSC test)
459 Speed control ground circuit open (KOEO IVSC test)
511 PCM Read Only Memory (ROM) test failure KOEO
512 PCM Keep Alive Memory (KAM) test failure
513 PCM internal voltage failure (KOEO)
519 Power Steering Pressure (PSP) switch circuit open KOEO
521 Power Steering Pressure (PSP) switch circuit did not change states KOER
522 Vehicle not in PARK or NEUTRAL during KOEO/PNP switch circuit open
524 Low speed fuel pump circuit open—battery to PCM
525 Indicates vehicle in gear/A/C on
527 Park/Neutral Position (PNP) switch circuit open—A/C on KOEO
528 Clutch Pedal Position (CPP) switch circuit failure
529 Data Communication Link (DCL) or PCM circuit failure
532 Cluster Control Assembly (CCA) circuit failure
533 Data Communication Link (DCL) or Electronic Instrument Cluster (EIC) circuit failure
536 Brake On/Off (BOO) circuit failure/not actuated during KOER
538 Insufficient RPM change during KOER dynamic response test
538 Invalid cylinder balance test due to throttle movement during test (SFI only)
538 Invalid cylinder balance test due to CID circuit failure
539 A/C on/Defrost on during Self-Test
542 Fuel pump secondary circuit failure
543 Fuel pump secondary circuit failure
551 Idle Air Control (IAC) circuit failure KOEO
552 Secondary Air Injection Bypass (AIRB) circuit failure KOEO
553 Secondary Air Injection Diverter (AIRD) circuit failure KOEO
554 Fuel Pressure Regulator Control (FPRC) circuit failure
556 Fuel pump relay primary circuit failure
557 Low speed fuel pump primary circuit failure
558 EGR Vacuum Regulator (EVR) circuit failure KOEO
559 Air Conditioning On (ACON) relay circuit failure KOEO
563 High Fan Control (HFC) circuit failure KOEO
564 Fan Control (FC) circuit failure KOEO
565 Canister Purge (CANP) circuit failure KOEO
566 3-4 shift solenoid circuit failure KOEO (A4LD)
567 Speed Control Vent (SCVNT) circuit failure (KOEO IVSC test)
568 Speed Control Vacuum (SCVAC) circuit failure (KOEO IVSC test)
569 Auxiliary Canister Purge (CANP2) circuit failure KOEO
571 EGRA solenoid circuit failure KOEO
572 EGRV solenoid circuit failure KOEO
578 A/C pressure sensor circuit shorted
579 Insufficient A/C pressure change
581 Power to Fan circuit over current
582 Fan circuit open
583 Power to Fuel pump over current
584 VCRM Power ground circuit open (VCRM Pin 1)
585 Power to A/C clutch over current
586 A/C clutch circuit open
587 Variable Control Relay Module (VCRM) communication failure
617 1-2 shift error
618 2-3 shift error
619 3-4 shift error
621 Shift Solenoid 1 (SS1) circuit failure KOEO
622 Shift Solenoid 2 (SS2) circuit failure KOEO
623 Transmission Control Indicator Light (TCIL) circuit failure
624 Electronic Pressure Control (EPC) circuit failure
625 Electronic Pressure Control (EPC) driver open in PCM
626 Coast Clutch Solenoid (CCS) circuit failure KOEO
627 Torque Converter Clutch (TCC) solenoid circuit failure
628 Excessive converter clutch slippage
629 Torque Converter Clutch (TCC) solenoid circuit failure
631 Transmission Control Indicator Lamp (TCIL) circuit failure KOEO
632 Transmission Control Switch (TCS) circuit did not change states during KOER
633 4x4L switch closed during KOEO
634 Transmission Range (TR) voltage higher or lower than expected
636 Transmission Fluid Temp (TFT) higher or lower than expected
637 Transmission Fluid Temp (TFT) sensor circuit above maximum voltage/ -40°F (-40°C) indicated/circuit open
638 Transmission Fluid Temp (TFT) sensor circuit below minimum voltage/
290°F (143°C) indicated/circuit shorted
639 Insufficient input from Transmission Speed Sensor (TSS)
641 Shift Solenoid 3 (SS3) circuit failure
643 Torque Converter Clutch (TCC) circuit failure
645 Incorrect gear ratio obtained for first gear
646 Incorrect gear ratio obtained for second gear
647 Incorrect gear ratio obtained for third gear
648 Incorrect gear ratio obtained for fourth gear
649 Electronic Pressure Control (EPC) higher or lower than expected
651 Electronic Pressure Control (EPC) circuit failure
652 Torque Converter Clutch (TCC) solenoid circuit failure
653 Transmission Control Switch (TCS) did not change states during KOER
654 Transmission Range (TR) sensor not indicating PARK during KOEO
656 Torque Converter Clutch continuous slip error
657 Transmission over temperature condition occurred
659 High vehicle speed in park indicated
667 Transmission Range sensor circuit voltage below minimum voltage
668 Transmission Range circuit voltage above maximum voltage
675 Transmission Range sensor circuit voltage out of range
998 Hard fault present ****FMEM MODE****

EEC-IV code
Test Type
System Pass
Nothing is wrong with the electronic system. If there is a problem, chances
are it's mechanical.
System cannot raise engine speed
Check the IAC valve. It may be stuck or sticking.
Idle RPM out of specification
Idle is either too low or too high.
Intermittent loss of PIP signal
PIP or ignition module may be malfunctioning.
Failure in ECA assembly
There is a problem with the Keep Alive Memory. Basically, you need a new
16 or 17
RPM too low to run EGO test
The RPM is low causing the EGO sensor to sense rich. It can also be caused
by an adjustable fuel pressure regulator set too high. If this is the case,
reduce fuel pressure.
Loss of TACH signal to ECA
Check the SPOUT connector.
Failure in ECA assembly
There is a problem with the internal voltage regulator. Basically, you need
a new ECA.
ECT sensor out of range
Engine coolant wasn't brought up to normal operating temperature or ECT
sensor is bad.
MAP or BP sensor out of range
MAP or BP sensor is bad.
MAP or BP sensor out of range
MAP/BP sensor is bad, or there is a vacuum leak.
TP sensor out of range
TPS is either missadjusted or bad.
ACT or VAT sensor out of range
ACT or VAT sensor is bad, or really dirty.
MAF or VAF sensor out of range
MAF/VAF sensor is bad, really dirty, or not calibrated correctly (MAF).
VSS signal voltage is too low
VSS is bad.
VAT sensor out of range
VAT sensor is bad, or really dirty.
VSS signal voltage is too low
VSS is bad.
31 or 32
EVP sensor out of range
EGR is sticking or EVP is bad.
EVP sensor indicates EGR is not opening properly
EGR is bad, EVP is bad, and/or there is a vacuum leak.
34 or 35
EVP sensor out of range
EGR is sticking or EVP is bad.
Right EGO failure
EGO is bad, not connected, or missing.
EGO indicates right bank lean
EGO is going bad, missing, or fuel pressure regulator is set too low.
EGO indicates right bank rich
EGO is going bad, fuel pressure regulator is set too high, or exhaust leak.
Right Thermactor Air System problem
Right Thermactor Air Control system switch is bad.
Thermactor air flow is always upstream
Related Thermactor switch is bad or vacuum leak in related vacuum lines.
Thermactor Air System unable to bypass air
Related Thermactor switch is bad or there is a vacuum leak in the line going
to the valve closest from the smog pumps air output.
ECT sensor out of range
ECT sensor is bad.
TP sensor out of range
TP sensor is stuck/sticking or just plain bad. It would be a good idea to
get a replacement.
ACT sensor out of range
ACT sensor is really dirty or bad.
MAF sensor out of range
MAF sensor is bad, really dirty, or not calibrated correctly. This code can
also come up with a blow-through forced induction system (like Prochargers).
Pro-M mass-airs will work with blow-though systems.
ECT sensor is out of range
ECT sensor is bad or wire is grounded.
TP sensor out of range
TP sensor is bad.
ACT sensor out of range (signal voltage too low)
ACT sensor is bad or wiring is grounded.
MAF sensor out of range (signal voltage too low)
MAF sensor is bad or not calibrated correctly.
NDS circuit open
NDS is bad or wires are bad.
BOO switch not detected
Brake was not depressed when suppose to or BOO is bad.
BOO switch always closed circuit
BOO is stuck/sticking or is bad.
Operator error
Operator didn't execute WOT when told to during self test.
A/C on during self test.
Turn A/C off for self test.
TAD circuit failure
TAD is bad or circuit is bad.
TAB circuit failure
TAB is bad or circuit is bad.
EGR vacuum solenoid circuit failure
EGR vacuum solenoid is bad or circuit is bad.
CANP solenoid circuit failure
CANP solenoid is bad or circuit is bad.
Fuel pump relay circuit failure
Bad fuel pump relay or FP circuit is bad.
EGO indicates left bank lean
EGO is going bad, fuel pressure regulator is set too low, or bad left bank
EGO indicates right bank lean
EGO is going bad, fuel pressure regulator is set too low, or bad right bank
Thermactor Air System problem on right bank
Air passages for Thermactor Air System on the right side is clogged or right
EGO is going bad.
FPM signal indicates circuit failure
FPM senses fuel pump voltage is out of range.
Fuel pump secondary circuit failure
FP secondary circuit is bad or fuel pump relay is bad.
ECA system problem; operating in FMEM
This is the dreaded "limp-mode". Extensive problems are what normally trip
this code. Additional codes will be present with this code.
Air Charge Temperature sensor
Brake On/Off switch
Barometric Pressure sensor
CANister Purge solenoid
Engine Control Assembly - also known as an ECM (Engine Control Management)
Engine Coolant Temperature sensor
Electronic Engine Control system, version 4
Exhaust Gas Oxygen sensor - also known as an O2 sensor
Exhaust Gas Recirculation
EGR Valve Position sensor
Failure Management and Effects Mode
Fuel Pump relay
Fuel Pump Monitor
Idle Air Control
Mass Air Flow sensor
Manifold Air Pressure sensor
Neutral Drive Switch - also known as a Neutral Safety Switch
Profile Ignition Pick-up
SPark OUTput
Thermactor Air Bypass solenoid
Thermactor Air Diverter solenoid
Throttle Position sensor - also known as TPS
Vain Air Flow sensor
Vehicle Speed Sensor
1994 PCED OBD I A SECTION 3A: EEC-IV Engine Supplement—Car
3-Digit EEC-IV Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Definitions — Passenger Car
111 System Pass
112 Intake Air Temp (IAT) sensor circuit below minimum voltage/ 254°F indicated
113 Intake Air Temp (IAT) sensor circuit above maximum voltage/ -40°F indicated
114 Intake Air Temp (IAT) higher or lower than expected
116 Engine Coolant Temp (ECT) higher or lower than expected
117 Engine Coolant Temp (ECT) sensor circuit below minimum voltage/ 254°F indicated
118 Engine Coolant Temp (ECT) sensor circuit above maximum voltage/ -40°F indicated
121 Closed throttle voltage higher or lower than expected
121 Indicates throttle position voltage inconsistent with the MAF sensor
122 Throttle Position (TP) sensor circuit below minimum voltage
123 Throttle Position (TP) sensor circuit above maximum voltage
124 Throttle Position (TP) sensor voltage higher than expected
125 Throttle Position (TP) sensor voltage lower than expected
126 MAP/BARO sensor higher or lower than expected
128 MAP sensor vacuum hose damaged/disconnected
129 Insufficient MAP/Mass Air Flow (MAF) change during dynamic response test KOER
136 Lack of Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S-2) switch during KOER, indicates lean (Bank #2)
137 Lack of Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S-2) switch during KOER, indicates rich (Bank #2)
139 No Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S-2) switches detected (Bank #2)
141 Fuel system indicates lean
144 No Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S-1) switches detected (Bank #1)
157 Mass Air Flow (MAF) sensor circuit below minimum voltage
158 Mass Air Flow (MAF) sensor circuit above maximum voltage
159 Mass Air Flow (MAF) higher or lower than expected
167 Insufficient throttle position change during dynamic response test KOER
171 Fuel system at adaptive limits, Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S-1) unable to switch (Bank #1)
172 Lack of Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S-1) switches, indicates lean (Bank #1)
173 Lack of Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S-1) switches, indicates rich (Bank #1)
175 Fuel system at adaptive limits, Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S-2) unable to switch (Bank #2)
176 Lack of Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S-2) switches, indicates lean (Bank #2)
177 Lack of Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S-2) switches, indicates rich (Bank #2)
179 Fuel system at lean adaptive limit at part throttle, system rich (Bank #1)
181 Fuel system at rich adaptive limit at part throttle, system lean (Bank #1)
184 Mass Air Flow (MAF) higher than expected
185 Mass Air Flow (MAF) lower than expected
186 Injector pulsewidth higher than expected (with BARO sensor)
186 Injector pulsewidth higher or MAF lower than expected (without BARO sensor)
187 Injector pulsewidth lower than expected (with BARO sensor)
187 Injector pulsewidth lower or MAF higher than expected (without BARO sensor)
188 Fuel system at lean adaptive limit at part throttle, system rich (Bank #2)
189 Fuel system at rich adaptive limit at part throttle, system lean (Bank #2)
193 Flexible Fuel (FF) sensor circuit failure
211 Profile Ignition Pickup (PIP) circuit failure
212 Loss of Ignition Diagnostic Monitor (IDM) input to PCM/SPOUT circuit grounded
213 SPOUT circuit open
214 Cylinder Identification (CID) circuit failure
215 PCM detected coil 1 primary circuit failure (EI)
216 PCM detected coil 2 primary circuit failure (EI)
217 PCM detected coil 3 primary circuit failure (EI)
218 Loss of Ignition Diagnostic Monitor (IDM) signal-left side (dual plug EI)
219 Spark timing defaulted to 10 degrees-SPOUT circuit open (EI)
221 Spark timing error (EI)
222 Loss of Ignition Diagnostic Monitor (IDM) signal-right side (dual plug EI)
223 Loss of Dual Plug Inhibit (DPI) control (dual plug EI)
224 PCM detected coil 1, 2, 3 or 4 primary circuit failure (dual plug EI)
225 Knock not sensed during dynamic response test KOER
226 Ignition Diagnostic Module (IDM) signal not received (EI)
232 PCM detected coil 1, 2, 3 or 4 primary circuit failure (EI)
238 PCM detected coil 4 primary circuit failure (EI)
241 ICM to PCM IDM pulsewidth transmission error (EI)
244 CID circuit fault present when cylinder balance test requested
311 AIR system inoperative during KOER (Bank #1 w/dual HO2S)
312 AIR misdirected during KOER
313 AIR not bypassed during KOER
314 AIR system inoperative during KOER (Bank #2 w/dual HO2S)
326 EGR (PFE/DPFE) circuit voltage lower than expected
327 EGR (EGRP/EVP/PFE/DPFE) circuit below minimum voltage
328 EGR (EVP) closed valve voltage lower than expected
332 Insufficient EGR flow detected (EGRP/EVP/PFE/DPFE)
334 EGR (EVP) closed valve voltage higher than expected
335 EGR (PFE/DPFE) sensor voltage higher or lower than expected during KOEO
336 Exhaust pressure high/EGR (PFE/DPFE) circuit voltage higher than expected
337 EGR (EGRP/EVP/PFE/DPFE) circuit above maximum voltage
338 Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) lower than expected (thermostat test)
339 Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) higher than expected (thermostat test)
341 Octane adjust service pin open
381 Frequent A/C clutch cycling
411 Cannot control RPM during KOER low RPM check
412 Cannot control RPM during KOER high RPM check
415 Idle Air Control (IAC) system at maximum adaptive lower limit
416 Idle Air Control (IAC) system at upper adaptive learning limit
452 Insufficient input from Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS) to PCM
453 Servo leaking down (KOER IVSC test)
454 Servo leaking up (KOER IVSC test)
455 Insufficient RPM increase (KOER IVSC test)
456 Insufficient RPM decrease (KOER IVSC test)
457 Speed control command switch(s) circuit not functioning (KOEO IVSC test)
458 Speed control command switch(s) stuck/circuit grounded (KOEO IVSC test)
459 Speed control ground circuit open (KOEO IVSC test)
511 PCM Read Only Memory (ROM) test failure KOEO
512 PCM Keep Alive Memory (KAM) test failure
513 PCM internal voltage failure (KOEO)
519 Power Steering Pressure (PSP) switch circuit open KOEO
521 Power Steering Pressure (PSP) switch circuit did not change states KOER
522 Vehicle not in PARK or NEUTRAL during KOEO/PNP switch circuit open
524 Low speed fuel pump circuit open—battery to PCM
525 Indicates vehicle in gear/A/C on
527 Park/Neutral Position (PNP) switch circuit open—A/C on KOEO
528 Clutch Pedal Position (CPP) switch circuit failure
529 Data Communication Link (DCL) or PCM circuit failure
532 Cluster Control Assembly (CCA) circuit failure
533 Data Communication Link (DCL) or Electronic Instrument Cluster (EIC) circuit failure
536 Brake On/Off (BOO) circuit failure/not actuated during KOER
538 Insufficient RPM change during KOER dynamic response test
538 Invalid cylinder balance test due to throttle movement during test (SFI only)
538 Invalid cylinder balance test due to CID circuit failure
539 A/C on/Defrost on during Self-Test
542 Fuel pump secondary circuit failure
543 Fuel pump secondary circuit failure
551 Idle Air Control (IAC) circuit failure KOEO
552 Secondary Air Injection Bypass (AIRB) circuit failure KOEO
553 Secondary Air Injection Diverter (AIRD) circuit failure KOEO
554 Fuel Pressure Regulator Control (FPRC) circuit failure
556 Fuel pump relay primary circuit failure
557 Low speed fuel pump primary circuit failure
558 EGR Vacuum Regulator (EVR) circuit failure KOEO
559 Air Conditioning On (ACON) relay circuit failure KOEO
563 High Fan Control (HFC) circuit failure KOEO
564 Fan Control (FC) circuit failure KOEO
565 Canister Purge (CANP) circuit failure KOEO
566 3-4 shift solenoid circuit failure KOEO (A4LD)
567 Speed Control Vent (SCVNT) circuit failure (KOEO IVSC test)
568 Speed Control Vacuum (SCVAC) circuit failure (KOEO IVSC test)
569 Auxiliary Canister Purge (CANP2) circuit failure KOEO
571 EGRA solenoid circuit failure KOEO
572 EGRV solenoid circuit failure KOEO
578 A/C pressure sensor circuit shorted
579 Insufficient A/C pressure change
581 Power to Fan circuit over current
582 Fan circuit open
583 Power to Fuel pump over current
584 VCRM Power ground circuit open (VCRM Pin 1)
585 Power to A/C clutch over current
586 A/C clutch circuit open
587 Variable Control Relay Module (VCRM) communication failure
617 1-2 shift error
618 2-3 shift error
619 3-4 shift error
621 Shift Solenoid 1 (SS1) circuit failure KOEO
622 Shift Solenoid 2 (SS2) circuit failure KOEO
623 Transmission Control Indicator Light (TCIL) circuit failure
624 Electronic Pressure Control (EPC) circuit failure
625 Electronic Pressure Control (EPC) driver open in PCM
626 Coast Clutch Solenoid (CCS) circuit failure KOEO
627 Torque Converter Clutch (TCC) solenoid circuit failure
628 Excessive converter clutch slippage
629 Torque Converter Clutch (TCC) solenoid circuit failure
631 Transmission Control Indicator Lamp (TCIL) circuit failure KOEO
632 Transmission Control Switch (TCS) circuit did not change states during KOER
633 4x4L switch closed during KOEO
634 Transmission Range (TR) voltage higher or lower than expected
636 Transmission Fluid Temp (TFT) higher or lower than expected
637 Transmission Fluid Temp (TFT) sensor circuit above maximum voltage/ -40°F (-40°C) indicated/circuit open
638 Transmission Fluid Temp (TFT) sensor circuit below minimum voltage/
290°F (143°C) indicated/circuit shorted
639 Insufficient input from Transmission Speed Sensor (TSS)
641 Shift Solenoid 3 (SS3) circuit failure
643 Torque Converter Clutch (TCC) circuit failure
645 Incorrect gear ratio obtained for first gear
646 Incorrect gear ratio obtained for second gear
647 Incorrect gear ratio obtained for third gear
648 Incorrect gear ratio obtained for fourth gear
649 Electronic Pressure Control (EPC) higher or lower than expected
651 Electronic Pressure Control (EPC) circuit failure
652 Torque Converter Clutch (TCC) solenoid circuit failure
653 Transmission Control Switch (TCS) did not change states during KOER
654 Transmission Range (TR) sensor not indicating PARK during KOEO
656 Torque Converter Clutch continuous slip error
657 Transmission over temperature condition occurred
659 High vehicle speed in park indicated
667 Transmission Range sensor circuit voltage below minimum voltage
668 Transmission Range circuit voltage above maximum voltage
675 Transmission Range sensor circuit voltage out of range
998 Hard fault present ****FMEM MODE****
- потребител
- Мнения: 131
- Регистриран: 30 авг 2005, 13:01
- Местоположение: СОФИЯ
- Контакти:
- Status: Извън линия
Re: Кодове за грешки за диагностика за EEC IV
Доста полезна информация но,това ЕЕС не ми говори нищо,напищете за кои фордове става,аз имам Мондео 2000г.тдди 2.0 115,стават ли за него тези кодове,с какво устроиство да се прочетът.
Доста полезна информация но,това ЕЕС не ми говори нищо,напищете за кои фордове става,аз имам Мондео 2000г.тдди 2.0 115,стават ли за него тези кодове,с какво устроиство да се прочетът.
- powerstar
- потребител
- Мнения: 28
- Регистриран: 12 май 2011, 10:37
- Модел на автомобила: Ford Scorpio 2.0 16V
- Местоположение: София
- Status: Извън линия
Re: Кодове за грешки за диагностика за EEC IV
chano написа:Здравейте,
Доста полезна информация но,това ЕЕС не ми говори нищо,напищете за кои фордове става,аз имам Мондео 2000г.тдди 2.0 115,стават ли за него тези кодове,с какво устроиство да се прочетът.
Колега моя дръгел си го чета с ЕЛМ-а, но само двигателя. Скоро в ибей си поръчах букса и софт за форд, чакам тия дни да дойде. Като дойде ще дам отзиви.
Карам стари дръгели, а бягат повече от нови!
- powerstar
- потребител
- Мнения: 28
- Регистриран: 12 май 2011, 10:37
- Модел на автомобила: Ford Scorpio 2.0 16V
- Местоположение: София
- Status: Извън линия
Re: Кодове за грешки за диагностика за EEC IV
Колеги бях обещал отзиви.... Пристигна ми букцичката вчера. Закачих мондеото на мой приятел - работи перфектно и прочете всичко. След това закачихме един транзит бяха му сменили една изгоряла дюза. И тази каручка я сбори успешно, дори успяхме да програмираме новите дюзи в компа.....
Карам стари дръгели, а бягат повече от нови!
- ivo_drifting
- потребител
- Мнения: 68
- Регистриран: 06 фев 2008, 15:14
- Модел на автомобила: Ford Mondeo 2.0i 136 hp Ghia Седан
- Status: Извън линия
Re: Кодове за грешки за диагностика за EEC IV
Не мога да открия кодовете 33 и 133 какво означават
Някакви идей 

- opex
- потребител
- Мнения: 2514
- Регистриран: 25 авг 2008, 22:06
- Модел на автомобила: Escort '97 1.8i
- Местоположение: София
- Status: Извън линия
Re: Кодове за грешки за диагностика за EEC IV
Здравей, ако става дума за мондеото под аватара ти код 133 при еес-4 няма и по принцип няма. При еес-5 (при мондео мк2) кодовете са в друг формат /изключвам вероятност/. А двуцифрени кодове има само при по-старите компютри грубо казано при модели преди 90та.
За каква кола/модел/година става дума? По какъв начин се изкарват грешките?
За каква кола/модел/година става дума? По какъв начин се изкарват грешките?
Нося отговорност за това, което съм казал и което съм имал предвид - Не нося отговорност за това, което е разбрал някой отсреща!
- ivo_drifting
- потребител
- Мнения: 68
- Регистриран: 06 фев 2008, 15:14
- Модел на автомобила: Ford Mondeo 2.0i 136 hp Ghia Седан
- Status: Извън линия
Re: Кодове за грешки за диагностика за EEC IV
Грешките ги прочетох със светодиод. Първо ми извади 341 и 133,но след поставяне на моста за октановото число ми даде 33 и 133. Сигурно аз бъркам нещо. Да колата е мондео 93-а
- потребител
- Мнения: 15
- Регистриран: 09 юли 2015, 00:16
- Местоположение: hisarq
- Status: Извън линия
Re: Кодове за грешки за диагностика за EEC IV
Включи ми се тази оранжева лампа.Ходих на двама измислени майстори да ми изчистят грешките и лампата излючваше за два-три дни.После примигва от време на време ту се включва ту изключва.Единия майстор ми каза,че проблема е във свещите на втори цилиндър ... смених свещите ..изчистиха ми грешката на компютъра и пак се появи проблема след два дни.Другия ми каза,че проблема е в бубината,кабелите за свещите не съм ги сменял,колата си карам на газ.При всяко палене чувам писукащ звук и не знам на кого да вярвам.Моля за съвет или ако някой знае читав сервиз в Пловдив за диагностика.Благодаря!
- потребител
- Мнения: 25
- Регистриран: 19 юли 2014, 18:59
- Модел на автомобила: Ford Fiesta Mk6
- Status: Извън линия
Re: Кодове за грешки за диагностика за EEC IV
И на мен преди няколко дни по време на път ми светна същата лампа на таблото,но моята Фиеста е 1,6 дизел.Ходих в сервиз на Форд и ми казаха,че проблема бил в EGR-клапана.Като ми дадоха цената за резервната част и изстинах.Междувременно обаче лампата от самосебе си загасна по пътя за сервиза,така че за момента оставам на стенд-бай в очакване да светне или да не светне.В интернет открих разни спрейове за почистване на този клапан без да е необходимо разглобяване,така че смятам първо да направя това.klabara написа:
- потребител
- Мнения: 1
- Регистриран: 28 фев 2016, 08:57
- Местоположение: burgas
- Status: Извън линия
Re: Кодове за грешки за диагностика за EEC IV
Здравейте колеги нов съм в форума искам да си споделя проблема си преди няколко дена си правих диагностика на колата си Форд фокус 1.8 16в 1999г.и там ми излезе грешка U1262, но не мога да разбера нейното значение.Опитах се да я изтрия но не се трие .Благодаря предварително
- потребител
- Мнения: 131
- Регистриран: 19 мар 2016, 19:39
- Модел на автомобила: фокус 1.6 16в 2002г
- Местоположение: панагюрище
- Status: Извън линия
Re: Кодове за грешки за диагностика за EEC IV
колеги някакви отговори мнения по тази грешка че моята маи е същата д262
- потребител
- Мнения: 8
- Регистриран: 25 дек 2009, 14:06
- Модел на автомобила: Форд Мондео мк2 2,5L V6 170 к.с
- Местоположение: Хановер
- Status: Извън линия
Re: Кодове за грешки за диагностика за EEC IV
Здравейте грешка P007F на Форд мондео 2003
2.0 ТДЦИ говори ли ви нещо ?
2.0 ТДЦИ говори ли ви нещо ?
- потребител
- Мнения: 29
- Регистриран: 12 яну 2017, 18:44
- Модел на автомобила: Focus 1.8 tddi/90hp '00
- Местоположение: София
- Status: Извън линия
Re: Кодове за грешки за диагностика за EEC IV
Днес колицата изгасна в движение. Естествено не можа пак да запали веднага. След като изчаках около 30-40 секунди, запали и повървя около 2-3 километра и пак изгасна, изчаках пак 30-40 секунди (иначе не пали докато не са минали) и пак запали ... Така 4 пъти за 20 минути. Иначе докато работи си вървия доволно без забележки. Отидох на диагностика при "кварталния" и грешките бяха:
Р0335 - Тази е за датчик колянов вал( и го смених) и за около 20 км обиколки след това не можа да изгасне, дано да съм се разминал само с това
След изтриване на грешките, изскача грешка P007F като на колегата над мен и не може да бъде изтрита! То почти всички грешки присъстват "при мен"
Р0335 - Тази е за датчик колянов вал( и го смених) и за около 20 км обиколки след това не можа да изгасне, дано да съм се разминал само с това

След изтриване на грешките, изскача грешка P007F като на колегата над мен и не може да бъде изтрита! То почти всички грешки присъстват "при мен"
- потребител
- Мнения: 187
- Регистриран: 08 юли 2017, 22:07
- Местоположение: Пловдив
- Status: Извън линия
Re: Кодове за грешки за диагностика за EEC IV
Форд кънект 2008 г.
Кой точно от двата датчика на EGR е свързан с тази грешка

Иначе обучението на EGR минава без проблем.
Кой точно от двата датчика на EGR е свързан с тази грешка

Иначе обучението на EGR минава без проблем.
Кой е на линия
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